Friday, January 9, 2015

DIY Vintage Mason Jar Light

Okay, Okay, I know my love affair with vintage mason jars is nothing new or original, especially among homesteaders and DIY enthusiasts who have expounded on their virtues for ages. Still, I never tire of seeing these things around our house, being put to various uses. I use them everywhere, from starting new houseplants to holding lentils in my pantry. They just make me happy to look at them. In an age of mass produced, cheap crap, they evoke a sense of timeless quality. Plus each one has a history about which you will never know, especially if you picked them up at a yard sale or something. They might have held the pickled beets that got a family through the great depression. They are special objects.

This is one of my latest uses for one my collection. I used a modern canning lid collar to hold it on, rather than cutting a hole in the original lid. The light was already installed, I just switched out the shade with the jar and used a smaller bulb so that it would fit inside the jar. Simple project.

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