Monday, January 12, 2015

Make your own DIY Driftwood Mirror

It's no secret among my nearest and dearest that I am obsessed with driftwood. It's already beautiful, you don't have to do anything to it! I make so many things with driftwood, from toilet paper holders and jewelry stands to picture frames and pan racks. If you are lucky enough to live near a source of driftwood, there are countless objects that are waiting to be turned into something useful and one-of-a-kind. By YOU.

That said, there are a few things about working with driftwood that can be challenging. This mirror, for example, I had to make and re-make a few times before it was sturdy. I started with a glue gun, like a usually do. No good. The smooth surface of the mirror and the uneven texture of the wood was not a good match. I ended up using a super strong rubber cement which barely holds. Now with other mirrors that I've made for people, I use a wooden backing, like plywood, Cement the mirror (that is smaller than the backing) to the backing, and then screw or finish nail the pieces to the wood that is surrounding the mirror. Much better plan.

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